
4 weeks
production time

28 days
transport time

2 times
product checks
Our client was looking for a creative way to thank their customers and partners for their support. During our brainstorming sessions, our client described that they wanted to give their customers an informal
“thumbs up” for their loyalty.
One of our local employees in China performed a custom tailored quality inspection at the factory to check all goods before they were send out to the Netherlands. All goods were transported and declared by JDLsourcing after concluding that the quality was approved. The thumbs were delivered directly to our client’s office after arriving in the Netherlands.
All goods were transported and declared by JDLsourcing after concluding that the quality was approved. The thumbs were delivered directly to our client’s office after arriving in the Netherlands.

“Joep is een sourcer die zich volledig inzet voor zijn klant en de klant goed op de hoogte houdt van de stand van zaken.”
– Ries van de Ven

Projecten & voorbeelden:
Voorbeelden van private label en maatwerk producties.
Wilt u sparren over uw idee?
Daag ons uit met uw (aan)vraag!
Specialisten in sourcing:
Ons team van specialisten gaat graag voor u op zoek naar de ideale leverancier op basis van uw specificaties. Uw contactpersoon staat voor u klaar.

Joep de Laat (founder & owner)
T: +316 – 414 08 116
E: info@jdlsourcing.nl